Yet, only in the weak willed way that the French do the warning given to Iran left alot to be desired. What France did was to threaten to REFER Iran's nuclear program to the U.N. Security Council. I imagine that Iran is really worried now. Wake up!!! They aren't just making nuclear grade material, but willing to give at least the technology away to others. This is just stupid and another reason why the United Nations is a waste of time and energy.
Lets review the facts according to me! France said it could get Iran to back off (through a group discussion), but what happened? Nothing, but to give Iran more time to harden it's position. Good call to leave it to a weak country that was conquered by Italy in WWII to handle such an important matter. Its a mistake to even ask France to clean my house let alone give them a great task like preventing WWIII. Heck, they might even change sides and help Iran for all we know. Again, the lesson is to never trust France to do anything that might be usefull for the United States. Enough said.
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