Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Oh, yeah!!!

Monday, January 21, 2008
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Happy Festivus Season (A few weeks late)!

- Frank Costanza: I got a lot of problems with you people! And now, you're gonna hear about it. You, Kruger. My son tells me your company STINKS!
- George Costanza: Oh, God.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Sex, politics and my thoughts

Ok, by looking at this survey produced by Frank Luntz for the next issue of Playboy I have found out that I am in the upper half of all Republicans on sexual partners. If I had to count I have had easily more than 10 women in my life time that I remember. There are a few times I might not have had sex so I'm not counting them. Also, I'll throw out the ones whose names I can't remember. For instance, like this 40 year-old I had relations with back in graduate school who I met at the ESPN Zone.
-- 55 percent of Republicans have sex at least once a week, compared with just 43 percent of Democrats.
-- 14 percent of Thompson supporters and 12 percent of Obama supporters claim to have sex "almost every day." 5 percent of Clinton and Giuliani supporters have sex that frequently.
-- On average, Republicans say they were 18.4 years old when they first had sex. Independents were 17.6 and Democrats 17.5.
-- 58 percent of respondents think Bill Clinton was the sexiest president of the past 40 years; Ronald Reagan is second, with 22 percent. 38 percent say Richard Nixon was the least sexy; Bill Clinton is second, with 18 percent.
-- 23 percent of all Republicans and 24 percent of all Democrats would "definitely" or "probably" say yes to a one-night stand in the Oval Office with a president they found physically and sexually attractive.
-- 51 percent of all Republicans and 67 percent of all Democrats have watched porn with their sexual partners.
-- 55 percent of people who attend church every week consider themselves to be "sexually adventurous."
-- Americans of both parties say they are more turned on by intelligence than by physical appearance.
All findings were based on a nationally representative survey of 900registered voters between the ages of 18 and 65, all of whom are very likelyto vote in the 2008 Presidential election.
The one stat that didn't surprise me was that 55% of Republicans having sex once a week compared to only 43% of Democrats. Seriously, most Democrat women are lucky if they have sex at all the way they run their mouth and protest shit all the time. Shut up and get freaky. The world is not going to be destroy by big old bad George W. Bush so just go with your hormones and have some sex. Its certainly not going to kill you. In fact, if you have sex with a Republican/sexist male it might be pretty damn good cause then it more than likely will turn into hot angry sex.
Some of the best sex I have ever had was with this liberal chick who would argue all the time with me. She basically hated everything I believed in but we clicked in bed. I think that was the only thing we had in common ... freaky sex. I actually asked this girl one time what she was thinking when we had sex after a fight and she said "fucking me to death." Yeah, not a healthy relationship by far. Still I was thinking the same thing. It was great and we loved it.
Now the church attendance and "sexually adventurous" polling result I think is right on. Basically if you're a guy you must have these type of women at least once in your life: black, half-black, catholic, bi-curious, straight-out-bi, and liberal. I have been lucky to have all of these. I must say that the strict catholic girl is the best! However, if you get a strict catholic bi-curious then you hit gold!!! Never had that but before I got married I was waiting for the black (half-black) strict catholic bi-curious liberal girl. Do they exist?
Anyhow, back to my point: church girls are great. They have this suppressed sexual thing going on. Their minds and social upbringing tell them that the spanking and mild BDSM stuff is wrong but their bodies say it's so right. Get them some drunk and use to talking dirty and its all over for you. Basically you'll be trying to get some extra sleep on the morning side but none that night.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Ms. Magazine Refused To Run This AD
It's a full-age ad with the pictures of three women who are high-level Israeli government figures, their names and identities in the captions ("Dorit Beinisch / President, / Supreme Court of Israel"; "Tzipi Livni / Vice Prime Minister, / Minister of Foreign Affairs"; "Dalia Itzik / Speaker of the Knesset"). Underneath, in large letters, is the caption "This is Israel." Below that is the logo of the American Jewish Congress, and contact information.
Here is what the American Jewish Congress describe when they tried to get Ms. Magazine to print the ad:
Certainly Ms. is allowed to make its editorial judgment, but it's an editorial judgment that we ought to condemn.
Here is what the American Jewish Congress describe when they tried to get Ms. Magazine to print the ad:
When Director of AJCongress’ Commission for Women’s Empowerment Harriet Kurlander tried to place the ad, she was told that publishing the ad “will set off a firestorm” and that “there are very strong opinions” on the subject -− the subject presumably being whether or not one can say anything positive about Israel. Ms. Magazine publisher Eleanor Smeal failed to respond to a signed-for certified letter with a copy of the ad as well as numerous calls by Mr. Gordon over a period of weeks.
A Ms. Magazine representative, Susie Gilligan, whom the Ms. Magazine masthead lists under the publisher’s office, told Ms. Kurlander that the magazine “would love to have an ad from you on women’s empowerment, or reproductive freedom, but not on this.” Ms. Gilligan failed to elaborate what “this” is....
Ms. Magazine has a long record of publishing advertisements rallying readers to support reproductive choice; opposing the Religious Right; highlighting the fragility of the pro-Roe v. Wade majority on the Supreme Court; charging that “Pat Robertson and his Religious Right cohorts don’t like individual freedom;” announcing support for the “struggle for freedom and human rights;” opposing the Bush administration’s campaign to fill federal courts with judges who “will reverse decades of progress on reproductive rights and privacy, civil rights, religious liberty, environmental protection and so much more;” as well as accusing the Bush administration of being “bent on rewarding big corporations and the rich, turning back the clock on women’s rights and civil rights, and promoting a U.S. empire abroad.”
“This flagship publication of the American women’s empowerment movement publishes ads that are controversial in the general culture but not so among its readership,” Ms. Kurlander said. “Obviously, Ms. believes our ad would enflame a significant portion of their readers.”
Mr. Gordon added, “What really amazes me is that just recently, in their Winter 2007 issue, Ms. ran a cover story with a picture of Congresswomen Nancy Pelosi with the heading in big letters: “This is What a Speaker Looks Like.” While Ms. has every reason to be proud of Speaker Pelosi and her accomplishments, as are we, the only discernable difference between Speaker Pelosi and Speaker Itzik apparently is that Speaker Pelosi is not Israeli.”
Mr. Gordon noted that while Israel was apparently too hot to handle, Ms. Magazine did not extend that taboo to Arab and Moslem women. “What is even more amazing is that, while refusing to publish a simple ad praising three very notable women, women who embody the ideal that Ms. Magazine seemingly espouses, Ms. has run a cover article in the Fall 2003 issue on Queen Noor of Jordan, has featured a number of articles on Muslim women, and even ran an article in the Winter 2004 issue entitled, ‘Images of Palestine,’ which discussed the Ramallah Film Festival and gave sympathetic reviews to films concerning ‘the liberation of South Lebanon’ from Israel as well as numerous films which portrayed terrorism as legitimate ‘revolutionary’ activity against Israel and miscast Israel’s activities to counter terrorism as ‘oppressive.’” ...
Certainly Ms. is allowed to make its editorial judgment, but it's an editorial judgment that we ought to condemn.
Bloomberg: Do as I say, not do as I do
This story reminds me of what Thomas Jefferson once said: "The issue today is the same as it has been throughout all history, whether man shall be allowed to govern himself or be ruled by a small elite."
They may be too unhealthy for regular New Yorkers to eat, but not so for Mayor Michael Bloomberg, apparently.
After gaining national media attention for spearheading an almost total ban on trans fats in city restaurants starting last July, Bloomberg was photographed in this month's issue of Wired magazine munching on those very same dangerous fats.
The photo, which accompanies a short Q&A about technology and politics, features Bloomberg at his City Hall desk, looking thoughtful and serious. Meanwhile, his right hand is seen almost absent-mindedly pulling a Cheez-It out of a single-serving bag of the crackers.
The reader can only assume that the baked snack cracker is headed for the mayor's mouth, and along with it some of the half-gram of trans fat found in every serving of Cheez-Its.
The mayor's food choice directly counters the guidance of his own Department of Health, which specifies on its Web site that "there is no safe level of artificial trans fat consumption." The site also points out that trans fats are responsible for at least 500 deaths in the city every year from heart disease.
This story reminds me of what Thomas Jefferson once said: "The issue today is the same as it has been throughout all history, whether man shall be allowed to govern himself or be ruled by a small elite."
Countdown: NFL Draft -- 107 days to go
NFL Draft - Rounds 1-2
Date: Saturday, April 26, 2008 at 12:00 PM (PT)
Location: Radio City Music Hall, New York, NY
Televised by NFL Network and ESPN.
Date: Saturday, April 26, 2008 at 12:00 PM (PT)
Location: Radio City Music Hall, New York, NY
Televised by NFL Network and ESPN.
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
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