Friday, July 11, 2008

Some Random Thoughts on Global Warming

Even if everyone acknowledges that global warming is man made, the proposed solutions won't make a material difference. They are the equivalent of throwing virgins into a volcano. Of course, some people like to see the virgins burn

Take it from the high priest himself, Al Gore. He says unless we cut carbon emissions worldwide by 90%, we are going to reach the "tipping point" and disaster is coming....Well, face facts. There is no way the world is cutting 90%, 50% or anything approaching what the alarmists all claim is necessary to prevent all the horrible consequences.

So if you believe Al Gore (and why wouldn't you?) then you must conclude that our money is much better spent on addressing the inevitable consequences of global warming, like relocating people from the coasts, developing reserviors and dams for newly drought stricken regions, cultivating newly fertile regions of the world, etc.

If I lived in Phoenix Arizona, and the weatherman tells me that the sun is coming up tomorrow and it's going to make it really hot, do I spend my money on trying to find a way to stop prevent the sun from coming up, or do I spend my money to buy a fan?

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