Saturday, August 02, 2008

Obama Backpedaling after he played the Race Card

Well, Obama got caught using the race card and, unlike DC's Marion Barry, people actually called his highness's but on it. Now the presumptuous one is backpedaling as quick as he can. Instead of calling McCain and Republicans (i.e., white people) racist Obama is using the cynical line.

What is cynical of asking about the accomplishments of Obama? Law professor (adjunct), state senator (7 years), and U.S. senator (3 and 1/2 years) seem to be the standard line of defense. Clearly, if elected, Obama will be the least experienced president since William Henry Harrison won in 1840. This does not mean Obama will not be a good president but it should not prevent people from further questioning him. The scary part of this election is that Obama's popularity is clearing out of wack with what he has accomplished. More to the point his celebrity is greater than his deeds. Obama is a classic demagogue and people should be nervous when only a minority of voters question his worth.

The recent race card controversy gives me hope that Obama and his supporters cannot prevent a real debate from occurring. However, they will try again to paint McCain and Republicans as racist. It is what Democrats do best. Try to win by preventing their opponents from competing against them.

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