Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Quote of the day!
"If a woman has to choose between catching a fly ball and saving an infant's life, she will choose to save the infant's life without even considering if there are men on base." -- Dave Barry
Good to hear!
In discussing the status of John Roberts, Senator Dianne Feinstein said: "Do I believe this is a filibuster-able nominee? The answer would be no, not at this time."
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Quote of the day
"Blessed are the young, for they shall inherit the national debt." -- Herbert Hoover
Friday, July 22, 2005
Phrase of the day: Rage in a cage
I thought I had a sick twisted mind, but this is just plan nasty stuff.
New York Senate Race looks like a blowout
Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton (D) maintains a lopside lead over Westchester County District Attorney Jeanine Pirro, her Republican challenger in the 2006 New York Senate race. Clinton leads Pirro 57 to 29 percent in the latest Siena College Research Institute poll. I still don't understand how any state could be that stupid.
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Who says sexism is dead?
Quote of the day
"A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor and bread it has earned -- this is the sum of good government." -- Thomas Jefferson
After being shot by sniper, US solider saves the sniper's life

"This is actually a rather amazing story. I have heard many versions and check out the link in the movie section for the official story. In the video these Iraqi insurgents snipe a US soldier from about 80ft. The solider is knocked off his feet but saved by his protective vest. He crawls to safety and locates his attackers. The film ends here however, the US solider ended up shooting and wounding his attackers in return fire and then assited in saving their lives."
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Quote of the day
"A government that is big enough to give you all you want is big enough to take it all away." --Barry Goldwater
Why can't marines get a safer vehicle?
Although rich Hollywood actors may love the Humvee, its basically a crap vehicle that offers little protection for our American men and women in Iraq. There is an ongoing effort to push for the Defense Departmnet to work with non-traditional defense suppliers to improve force protection, but the 40-year-old procurement system stymies acquisition of new equipment.
With the limits to the Humvee, members of Congress can choose to ride in the M1117 Guardian Security Vechile or Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfield can sit in the steel fortress, Israeli Rhino Runner, while in Iraq when regular American troops have to carry out dangerous missions everyday in a Humvee. You might ask, "what if we fully armor all the crap Humvees?" Well, the New York Times recently reported that "even the most fully armored Humvee is no longer safe from the increasingly powerful insurgency bombs."
So "lets get better vehicles" you might also say. The problem is price. At roughly $700,000 each, the M1117 is considerably more expensive than the current $140,000 price for an armored Humvee. But with that said, the army has begun to place orders for the M1117 reaching a level of 290.
I think the price isn't too high to pay for the replacement of all Humvees with either the M1117s or Rhinos. Our service men and women deserve the best and budget concerns should not come in the way of their safety.
With the limits to the Humvee, members of Congress can choose to ride in the M1117 Guardian Security Vechile or Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfield can sit in the steel fortress, Israeli Rhino Runner, while in Iraq when regular American troops have to carry out dangerous missions everyday in a Humvee. You might ask, "what if we fully armor all the crap Humvees?" Well, the New York Times recently reported that "even the most fully armored Humvee is no longer safe from the increasingly powerful insurgency bombs."
So "lets get better vehicles" you might also say. The problem is price. At roughly $700,000 each, the M1117 is considerably more expensive than the current $140,000 price for an armored Humvee. But with that said, the army has begun to place orders for the M1117 reaching a level of 290.
I think the price isn't too high to pay for the replacement of all Humvees with either the M1117s or Rhinos. Our service men and women deserve the best and budget concerns should not come in the way of their safety.
Hangovers happen: A What to do guide

What causes hangovers?
- Drinking alcohol stupid!
- Dehydration. Alcohol is a diuretic; it makes you urinate and flushes fluids from the body. Never drink anything with alcohol that is also a diuretic. For example, coffee only makes matters worse, because coffee also is a diuretic. The dehydration caused by alcohol and coffee can be minimized by drinking plenty of water. A headache is a symptom of dehydration and may be eased with asprin and water.
- Some alcohol is worse than others. Brandy, red wine, rum, whisky, beer, white wine, gin and vodka are worst to least in descending order of likelihood to cause a hangover. The British Medical Journal did tests that showed drinking bourbon is twice as likely to cause a hangover than the same amount of vodka. But since we all hate vodka (plus its for commies) we have to drink bourbon. Poor us.
- Different drinks for different folks. If you are allergic to yeast, for instance, unfiltered beer might leave you with a terrible headache (kind of obvious). Another one I learned on a wine website is what is called sulphur dioxide, which certain people are senstive to. It is an inti-oxidizing agent added to many wines to keep them fresh. Other people get headaches from chemical substance found in dark grapes. The latter will drink white wine with no effects, and suffer with red wines. But since I don't drink wine; I really dont' care if you wine drinkers get hangovers. Its either beer or the hard stuff. No in betweens.
- It is not an urban legend! Mixing drinks can cause hangovers. Be careful with what you’re drinking and when you’re drinking it. Remember this rhyme: "Beer before liquor, never sicker. Liquor before beer, never fear." Beer or any other carbonated alcoholic beverage is absorbed much more quickly into your body. Drinking it before other alcoholic beverages will cause them to be absorbed more quickly as well. Simple facts my friends.
- One last point, the rate at which one absorbs alcohol can depend on mood. Increased adrenaline pushes alcohol through the system much faster. Therefore, feeling deeply depressed or ecstacially happy makes you drunk faster.
Taking preventitive steps
- One must consider their height, weight and personal tolerance for alcohol when drinking. Yes, that means you 80 lbs. girls that think keeping up with a 220 lbs. man is a good idea.
- Drink a glass of milk to start the evening. It will slow the absorption of alcohol, and protect your stomach against irritations (see above).
- Never drink on an empty stomach. Food helps to absorb some of the alcohol and aids the body in digesting it faster. Consider eating starchy foods to slow the alcohol absorption.
- If your a wussie, limit yourself to less than one drink per hour.
- Drink some water with your beer, but don't let your friends find out. Jerk.
- Back in the '60s, what were called "hangover shots," (vitamin B injections) were given in the infirmaries of many large U.S. military centers. The shots were massive replacements of vitamins lost during the previous night's massive consumption of alcohol that had dehydrated them right out of people. I am not saying to get an injection. Try a vitamin B pill instead.
You're hung over. What to do?
- Sleep. It gives your body time to recover. A tired or "unfit" drinker is especially vulnerable to hangovers.
- Again, I can't state this enough. Keep drinking water, stupid!
- Eat carbohydrates such as bread and pasta. This will raise your blood sugar level. Bananas are excellent because they contain complex carbohydrates, potassium and vitamin C. And if your stomach can't face food? Tea is best (I like chamomile), and make the first cup really strong. The chamomile will help your stomach, and taking in water with the tea, will ease the pain.
- Exercise. This will help you sweat the alcohol out of your system.
- Sex (see exercise).
There are doctors who claim hangovers are mostly mental. In that case, just suck it up and stop bitching!
So we may never forget
Poverty sucks

As Bucks guard Michael Redd told SI.com after landing a new $90 million contract: "To me, I'm the same person I was five years ago when I was making $700,000."
mmmmmmm ... beer!
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Great article by Charles Hurt
Property rights have become -- quietly and suddenly -- the battle cry for conservatives in the brewing fight over replacing retiring Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor. Conservatives say last month's Supreme Court ruling that expanded the government's power of eminent domain is now Exhibit A for their case that the high court has abandoned the original meaning of the Constitution and is in desperate need of more conservative jurists. "It's so bad, it's good," said Sean Rushton, executive director of the conservative Committee for Justice, which is dedicated to getting President Bush's judicial nominees confirmed. "Property rights is now the number one issue." In Kelo v. New London, the Supreme Court ruled 5-4 that the government can seize private property from its lawful owner and give it to a private developer who promises to generate more tax revenue with it. Since the presidency of Ronald Reagan, "conservatives have relegated property rights to the back burner," said Nancie Marzulla, president of Defenders of Property Rights. "We feel like we have been laboring in the vineyards for years and then, all of a sudden, Kelo comes along." She called the ruling "a dark cloud" that essentially eliminates all property rights. "But even with the darkest cloud, there is a silver lining," Mrs. Marzulla said. "The timing of this has been just brilliant for us." In the Kelo case, the high court ruled that government officials could seize private property and give the land to private developers to build an office complex, a health club and a hotel. Prior to the ruling, eminent domain was legally restricted to only projects with a clear public use such as roads or schools. "The city has carefully formulated an economic development that it believes will provide appreciable benefits to the community, including -- but by no means limited to -- new jobs and increased tax revenue," Justice John Paul Stevens wrote for the majority. Justice O'Connor wrote a scathing dissent. "Any property may now be taken for the benefit of another private party, but the fallout from this decision will not be random," she wrote. "The beneficiaries are likely to be those citizens with disproportionate influence and power in the political process, including large corporations and development firms." The ruling has united a broad cross section of activists -- from conservatives to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People -- outraged by the decision. In Congress, bills have already been introduced in the House and in the Senate to remedy the ruling. Many liberals worry that the new powers of eminent domain will be used mainly to seize the property of poor people in urban areas. Conservatives are using the issue to rally around a conservative replacement for Justice O'Connor. Judicial Confirmation Network, a newly formed group supporting Mr. Bush's nominees, released an Internet ad last week saying the Kelo ruling is only the latest Supreme Court decision that has "violated the Constitution and undermined our democracy." Mark R. Levin, president of Landmark Legal Foundation, said the court has become the "guardian of big government, not the guardian of individual liberty." "A revolution was fought for a lot less than this," he said.
Monday, July 18, 2005
Airlines: heartless animal killers?

According to the Department of transportation May 2005 Air Travel Consumer Report, five pets were killed, four injured and one lost during airline trial.
I just want to know how do you misplace an animal on a flight? And better yet, where the heck does that animal go on the plane? I would love to see the next plane load of people freaking out when a snake starts moving in between their legs. You got to love that!!!
Oh, back to my point ... PETA, four poor animals were killed by the big bad airlines. They must pay for this with human blood!!! Go do my bidding you animal loving freaks!!!
Random facts
Did you know the Republican and Democratic party's congressional campaign chairmen?
National Republican Senatorial Committee --- Elizabeth Dole (NC)
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee --- Charles E. Schumer (NY)
National Republican Congressional Committee --- Thomas M. Reynolds (NY)
Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee --- Rahm Emanuel (IL)
National Republican Senatorial Committee --- Elizabeth Dole (NC)
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee --- Charles E. Schumer (NY)
National Republican Congressional Committee --- Thomas M. Reynolds (NY)
Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee --- Rahm Emanuel (IL)
Sunday, July 17, 2005
Liberal Protests: I really don't understand the logic

Ok, I get it you guys really believe that our government killed 3,000 people so Bush could get reelected and invade Iraq for the oil, but why do you have to dress up as Rumsfield?

Alright, you guys want an all powerful state, the elimination of economic liberty, and you support Palestinians's right to kill Jewish men, women, and children by suicide bombings. Am I missing something here?

The crap liberals get away with!
France and terrorism

After the London bombings, British intelligence "brought together law enforcement and intelligence officials from two dozen European countries and the United States, sharing crucial intelligence and pleading for help in tracking down the bombers."
Of course, the French were also invited to share intelligence information for use in bringing the London terriorists to justice. But, the French being French, decided it was better to score political points instead of actually helping.
In an article by New York Times reporter Elaine Sciolino, she reports that France's antiterrorism coordinator, Christophe Chaboud, leaked privileged information. In an interview with Le Monde, Mr. Chaboud said he knew of "the nature of the explosives" used in the London bombings. He added that they appeared to be "military" in nature and that "is very worrisome." He went on to speculate about the origins of the explosives.
The remarks by Mr. Chaboud turned out to be completely false, but that isn't what concerns me. After the so called French antiterrorist chief leaked this information, he then went into a "I-told-you-so" speech against the British arguing that "Europe was a more dangerous place because of the war in Iraq." He added that "Iraq has revived the logic of total conflict against the west."
Mr. Chaboud's comments have created a "poisonous ... atmosphere" where the British (rightfully I might say) "feel that the French may have leaked bad information on purpose." As the director of a European intelligence agency said, "My friends in London are furious at the French about this. They believe they released this incorrect information deliberately." The result, he added, is "there's not much good will left between them."
I really can't put into words the contempt and outrage I feel right now. All I can say is with friends like the French, who needs enemies?
No more commercials in movie threaters

Running of the Bull Dykes

Young male students say they get an adrenaline rush when they run from a stampeding herd of stocky, short-haired, mannish lesbians that are whipped into a snorting, bellowing frenzy by alcohol and the liberal use of cattle prods.
One male student explained: "Sometimes as many as 600 are penned up at the start of a twisting, half-mile course through a local park. Barriers are erected so the runners can't bail out, and the run ends at another holding pen at the finish line.
"The dykes get plenty of free drink and are worked into a rage by cattle prods. Sometimes students also pretend to have sex with the dykes' 'lipstick lesbian' girlfriends, and this gets them red-eyed with fury and ready to charge."
A typical dyke run begins at six in the morning, and a rocket goes off at the moment the bull dykes are released. "The runners have a 50 yard start on us and they're fast," says one dyke who identified herself only as Hank. "But we usually catch three or four who trip or crash into a barrier and pound them into the dirt. It's fun."
Not so, say cops. "A 200-pound, infuriated bull dyke is nothing to mess with," says one officer. "A man can get seriously hurt if he's trampled by the herd during the run."
Friday, July 15, 2005
Does New Jersey Suck?

You might ask how do I know that New Jersey sucks? Gosh, I didn't know people needed that one explained to them. I guess 2 + 2 is a bit hard for you. Ok, I was merely going to submit a three year old article on why New Jersey sucks, but I decided to do some "objective" research to see if the state really does blow. I conducted two independent web search trials over a two-day time span (anymore waste of time on New Jersey would have made me crazy). My search effort included both positive and negative sites, articles, or images of New Jersey. What I discovered is that alot of people hate New Jersey. Here are just some of the examples of whatt I gleaned from the Internet:
New Jersey Sucks Website
Blog post about why they hate New Jersey
Why one should fear New Jersey blog
Jersey Sucks Website
"Why I Hate New Jersey" feature comedy
There were more, but I thought it best to highlight for time purposes the best of the best if you will. All had wonderful things to offer in terms of New Jersey bashing. One blog's comment board had this to say: "if u look at a map of the united states, it kinda looks like new york is pooping out new jersey. new jersey is new york's shit!!" Now that made me laugh.
Now one site in particular had some very good reasons for disliking New Jersey, but before I get to that I must cover the other half of my reasearch. There aren't many who "love" New Jersey. Only one website expressly stated "I love New Jersey" and it offered nothing but a message that they will be putting stuff up soon. Damn, I can't wait!!!
There were other sites, but even while trying to defend New Jersey, they made the state look even worse. For example, when a state has to sponsor a tour titled, "A State That Doesn't Hate" it has major problems. Or when some guy has to create "New Jersey Doesn't Suck!" t-shirts ... well, thats just sad. Name me another state that would do that. I could see New York's new campaign. Instead of "I love New York" it would be "I don't hate New York." When a state starts on the defensive its lost the battle, war, and all its people should be subjected to commie rule.
Hold on!!! I have more. When someone put a 24 Hour Internet Cafe SECOND on a list of the "Top 10 Cool Places in Jersey" the state has issues. Better still, is it good to say: "Appreciate NJ! We're the one and only state where you will find a bowling alley and Diner in almost every town you visit!" How delightfully White Trash!
I could go on, but I want to top off this diatribe with a word or two about Al Mink's "A List of Reasons Why New Jersey Sucks." Although biased in his opinion, Mr. Mink is a native of the state. As he said: "I was born in New Jersey. I lived 30 years of my life in New Jersey. But 2½ years ago, I jumped at the chance and fled that hellhole, even trampling a few auto insurance companies on the way out! After escaping to the beautiful scenery and quiet sanity of Central Pennsylvania, I realized even more just how bad New Jersey sucks. Now that I have left that damned dystopia, I'm NEVER EVER going back!"
First of all, I don't know what is true or not in this list, but from just some of the "fact checking" I did, it looks good. So like the custom agents who check 1% of the containers coming into the United States and assume the other 99% are clean, let us do the same. I will not bore you with all the facts mentioned by Mr. Mink, but I do want to highlight a few of them. New Jersey has the highest auto insurance rates in the nation. New Jersey has the highest property and cigarette tax in the nation. In addition to the the second highest statewide housing costs (73% above the national average), third highest business costs, fourth highest health insurance costs, and the fifth highest tax-supported debt in the nation. New Jersey collects income taxes, sales taxes, property taxes, sin taxes, casino taxes, tourism taxes, and highway tolls. All of this combined to place New Jersey's cost of living 32% above the national average.
I could go on, but I feel my case has been made. New Jersey does suck. Lets hope the people that live there don't find out. Well, they probably do know, but are just too dumb to do anything about it. As my final send off I would like to make note that "Atlantic City will always be a cut-rate resort compared to Las Vegas" (FYI: I use to live in Las Vegas).
Birds, not humans, causing pollution in Arctic

"A major source of chemical contamination in the Arctic turns out to be bird droppings. Wind currents and human activities long have been blamed for fouling the pristine Arctic. But a study by a group of Canadian researchers found that the chemical pollution in areas frequented by seabirds can be many times higher than in nearby regions."
Ground Zero Memorial

A friend brought my attention to this Wall Street Journal article by Debra Burlingame titled: "The Ground Zero Heist." Here is Burlingame's conclusions about the memorial:
"The so-called lessons of September 11 should not be force-fed by ideologues hoping to use the memorial site as nothing more than a powerful visual aid to promote their agenda. Instead of exhibits and symposiums about Internationalism and Global Policy we should hear the story of the courageous young firefighter whose body, cut in half, was found with his legs entwined around the body of a woman. Recovery personnel concluded that because of their positions, the young firefighter was carrying her."
"The people who visit Ground Zero in five years will come because they want to pay their respects at the place where heroes died. They will come because they want to remember what they saw that day, because they want a personal connection, to touch the place that touched them, the place that rallied the nation and changed their lives forever. I would wager that, if given a choice, they would rather walk through that dusty hangar at JFK Airport where 1,000 World Trade Center artifacts are stored than be herded through the International Freedom Center's multi-million-dollar insult."
"Ground Zero has been stolen, right from under our noses. How do we get it back?"
I never have liked the money grabing involved in post-9/11 New York, especially when it comes to the Ground Zero memorial. Too much money will be wasted for a structure that many people will feel fails to show the true spirit that was and still is 9/11.
The Williams Sisters: bisexual hookers?

According to a source quoted by The Sun, "Brett [director of X-Men] feels either of the girls would be fantastic for the role, which is a superhero who oozes sex appeal". The character’s greatest power is “the ability to seduce anyone”, the source added.
I for one would say ok to Venus, but Serena is too manily for me. The girl looks like a man with fake breasts. Can we get a sexy looking girl? If she has to be black lets go with Halle Berry. Now thats a girl with "the ability to seduce anyone." Screw these sports stars who think they can act. Go play tennis, its what your good at. Leave the movies to people that know how to act (and Keanu Reeves).
Karl Rove: Abuse of Power?

What we have here is a known liar making a false report about what he found in his 2002 mission to investigate claims that Iraq was seeking uranium ore in Niger and also misleading everyone into thinking his wife had not RECOMMENDED him for that position. Mr. Wilson is a joke and a corrupt State Department official who thought he could bring down a presidency. If he hadn't lied to so many people, then there would have been no reason for the Senate Intelligence Committee to waste time correcting the misimpressions he created and the lies he told. In addition to the so called ousting of his wife, which is kind of hard since it has been reported that it was widely known that she worked for the CIA (another point how can this "undercover" agent be in danger if she works a desk job at Langley?).
In looking at Mr. Rove's role, the much talked about Time Magazine Cooper email reveals the context of Mr. Rove’s disclosure that Mr. Wilson hiring was urged on by his wife. The context strongly suggests that Mr. Rove's comments about Mr. Wilson's wife was not retaliation, but rather it was part of a discussion trying to correct any misimpressions of how Mr. Wilson was hired for the Niger mission. According to the Cooper email, Rove discussed whether the Director of the CIA or Vice President Cheney had authorized the trip.
Now, did he break any laws? To be prosecuted under the 1982 Intelligence Identities Protection Act , Mr. Rove would had to have deliberately and maliciously exposed Mr. Wilson's wife knowing that she was an undercover agent and using information he had obtained in an official capacity. From the Cooper email, it appears Mr. Rove did not even know Mr. Wilson's wife name and had only heard about her from newspaper reporters. So it appears that his "contact" came from a secondhand source. At any rate, legally Mr. Rove most likely cannot be prosecuted under the 1982 Act. But this doens't even get into whether he lied to the White House or just did not tell them anything.
Returning to Mr. Wilson, at this point it would be good to ask him whether he thought that by lying about what he found in Niger and what he told the CIA and how he was selected, he was gambling with his wife’s safety. How could he be sure that people would know that his wife was a covert agent, or that there was a law against revealing her identity? Perhaps someone might have reasonably believed that they were correcting misimpressions that Mr. Wilson himself had created. Did Mr. Wilson realize that he had put the Administration in something analogous to a Catch-22?: Mr. Wilson can lie about how he was hired but the Administration cannot correct his lie without outing his wife. Did Mr. Wilson consciously decide to gamble with his wife’s safety by lying in a way that would be hard for the Administration to correct?
Dan Kolb Sucks.com

"So Dan Kolb is 1 - 5 so far on the year … those 5 losses were to Washington (April 12th), Philadelphia (April 17th), Coloradio (May 11th), San Diego (May 17th), and then Washington (June 2nd). With the Braves currently being 30 - 26, make those 5 losses what they should be…and we’re 35 - 21. This would also make the Nationals 29 - 28 instead of 31 - 26. And the Phillies would be 29 - 28 instead of 30 - 27. So with those modified records, the standings would look sorta like this … Atlanta 35 - 21, NY Mets 30 - 27, Was. 29 - 28, Phil. 29 - 28, Florida 28 - 26. Fantastic. And those are just Kolb’s losses, those don’t take into account the rest of our awful bullpen."
Go on a McDonald's diet ...
If you dislike French and Germans your racist

The reason? He supported the US invasion of Iraqi and wanted to protest the French and German government's opposition.
In that first post I wondered what happened to the guy. Well, now I know. Later in 2003, a Dutch court found him guilty of "racial discrimination." He was ordered to pay an $800.00 fine or be forced to go to jail. Well, the pizzeria owner refused to pay the fine and "will now serve an eight-day sentence at a minimum security prison."
What is more amazing is that the "racist" seems to be the only victim. He already has been "forced to sell his pizzeria ... after repeated vandalism and a plunge in sales." And now jail time awaits. Its a sad story that I hope would never happen in the United States. Stupid Dutch.
Lindsay Lohan you look like death
Santorum under attack from Kennedy

"Priests, like all of us, are affected by culture. When the culture is sick, every element in it becomes infected. While it is no excuse for this scandal, it is no surprise that Boston, a seat of academic, political and cultural liberalism in America, lies at the center of the storm."
Senator Kennedy wants Santorum to apologize for these remarks.
I for one think Kennedy should apologize for being weak against the Soviet Union in the 60s, 70s, and 80s, but that is neither here nor there. Although I am for allowing personal freedom on many issues, the individual is still obligated to show restraint in his/her actions. One simply cannot run naked in a shopping mail yelling, "I am Hilter" and think you can get away with it. That action effects others. I believe that Santorum was touching on a matter that is politically heated. Both conservatives and liberals have battled in the ongoing cultural war well before Roe v. Wade.
The question is where do personal freedoms stop and community concerns start? It is not easy to answer. Taking parenting at its most basic level, the action in raising a child is very "conservative." A parent must limit a child's personal freedom. Although I am pained to admit this, years ago society aided parents in raising their children. At some point the rise of personal freedoms failed society. Now this might seem strange coming from a professed believer in "Free Minds and Free Markets," but for those who are libertarian in outlook will agree with free thinking comes a personal responsibility in the actions there upon made.
Like most libertarians, I believe in abortion rights but don't think that a little girl should be given the sole responsibility in making a life or death decision. First of all, she never should be in such a situation to choose between her future and her child's. In such a case, the parents and society failed her. I believe that Santorum was saying in the sex abuse scandal somewhere down the line society allowed such horrible actions to take place. This was not through a collective want to harm children, but through a lax sense of responsibility in the individual. Once more and more individuals decided feel no personally responsibility, society was forever weakened.
I admit that my values of personal freedom have harmed society because, as a collective unit, we are not managing that liberty of thought or action. Yet, I must profess in all modesty, personal freedom is still the best course for human interaction. Paraphrasing Winston Churchill, "libertarianism is the worst form of philosophical belief, with the exception of all others."
To summarize: 1) Kennedy is a jerk, 2) Santorum needs to think before he writes, 3) there needs to be balance between personal freedom and community welfare.
What did he say?

"It's not so much the deal. It's all about the lies and separating the players from the league and making us look bad because we have to defend ourselves. And that alone should be just cause for him to get the gas after this is all done."
Now I am not sure what Chelios meant by his statement, but I do know he better clarify it soon. I really hope he intended his message to mean something different than the way it came out.
"Father of Affirmative Action" died Tuesday

Fletcher served as secretary of labor to President Richard M. Nixon; as deputy assistant for urban affairs to President Gerald Ford; was an adviser to President Ronald Reagan; and chairman of the Civil Rights Commission, from 1990 to 1993.
Although I do not support affirmative action, I believe that this man should be remembered in the ongoing debate over what the federal government should do to assist black people. With that said, I hope affirmative action policies everywhere die with the man who bore them.
affirmative action,
Marc Anthony -- He's a giver

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