I personally don't have a favorite for the next Supreme Court justice. Although much has been said about the possibility of selecting the first hispanic to the Court, I think the administration will have a hard time picking one. Its number one choice would be Gonzalas and I think conservatives would bring him down. Also, liberals don't have much to like since he was the central figure in the memo scandal.
If a selection is made, it should not be someone with no record or an affirmative action choice to just put a women or minority onto the Court. The ability and experience of the candidate should be of primary consideration. Though, as we all know, politics will enter into the selection. Bush probably cannot choose the recently confirmed Pryor, Owen, or Brown. They had been filibustered for the better part of two Congresses and Democrats would launch an even more bitter battle over any of their confirmations. In the end, President Bush has a difficult choice but so far his attempt to consult with a wide range of senators is helpful. It can only help him in the confirmation battle to come.
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