A friend brought my attention to this Wall Street Journal article by Debra Burlingame titled: "The Ground Zero Heist." Here is Burlingame's conclusions about the memorial:
"The so-called lessons of September 11 should not be force-fed by ideologues hoping to use the memorial site as nothing more than a powerful visual aid to promote their agenda. Instead of exhibits and symposiums about Internationalism and Global Policy we should hear the story of the courageous young firefighter whose body, cut in half, was found with his legs entwined around the body of a woman. Recovery personnel concluded that because of their positions, the young firefighter was carrying her."
"The people who visit Ground Zero in five years will come because they want to pay their respects at the place where heroes died. They will come because they want to remember what they saw that day, because they want a personal connection, to touch the place that touched them, the place that rallied the nation and changed their lives forever. I would wager that, if given a choice, they would rather walk through that dusty hangar at JFK Airport where 1,000 World Trade Center artifacts are stored than be herded through the International Freedom Center's multi-million-dollar insult."
"Ground Zero has been stolen, right from under our noses. How do we get it back?"
I never have liked the money grabing involved in post-9/11 New York, especially when it comes to the Ground Zero memorial. Too much money will be wasted for a structure that many people will feel fails to show the true spirit that was and still is 9/11.
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