Wednesday, September 07, 2005

This is just crazy

President Bush is asking for $51.8 billion dollars for people who knew that their city may get wipped out? Lets just screw our grand kids and the future state of our economy because we were idoits and built a city below sea level and then didn't get people out when a hurricane came. I have little care in me for those who didn't get out. What is up with Brett Favre's family staying there? Or any of the countless families who thought staying was a good idea. Mr. Favre is rich enough to get his family out and many more had the means as well to get out.

And if the poor didn't have the means to get out where was the mayor? The guy has alot to answer for, not President Bush. Now we have a stupid Senator asking if Bush's vacation impeded relief efforts. You know what impeded relief efforts ... the damn mayor and governor. People didn't get out of the damn city. The mayor is responsible for countless lives because he didn't order the forced removal of people from the city.

Why have a mayor or governor if the President of the United States is suppose to micro-manage the entire country. Screw states, cities, and local communities and lets just have a dictatorship. I for one would LOVE armed soldiers standing at ends of streets all the time. Do you people think that the federal government is responsible for your safety. Read the damn Constitution and get some common sense!


Mara said...


I thought I was the only one that felt this way...

I mean.. COME ON!!!

FEMA told these people to evacuate 5 DAYS BEFORE the stupid thing hit...

If people would have taken it seriously.. no matter what your financial status... you could have friggin walked to safety!

No less the negligence of the mayor.. why not comandeer all of the school busses and take people -by the BUS LOAD - to shelters and safety..

For God's Sake..

And of course relief efforts were impeded by Bush being on vacation... afterall... all of the relief workers are kept in tiny relief cages and Mr. Bush had the key ring at the ranch... FOR GODS SAKE

Mara said...


I thought I was the only one that felt this way...

I mean.. COME ON!!!

FEMA told these people to evacuate 5 DAYS BEFORE the stupid thing hit...

If people would have taken it seriously.. no matter what your financial status... you could have friggin walked to safety!

No less the negligence of the mayor.. why not comandeer all of the school busses and take people -by the BUS LOAD - to shelters and safety..

For God's Sake..

And of course relief efforts were impeded by Bush being on vacation... afterall... all of the relief workers are kept in tiny relief cages and Mr. Bush had the key ring at the ranch... FOR GODS SAKE

Mara said...

Why did that post twice?

Anonymous said...

Great Post!!!