Thursday, April 20, 2006

Director of National Intelligence: Another layer of bureaucracy?

I'm not too shocked to see that the House Intelligence Committee has finally come out and warned what I, and many other congressional experts said, when Congress created the director position.
In an April 6 report, the Intelligence Committee warned that Mr. Negroponte's office could end up not as a streamlined coordinator but as "another layer of large, unintended and unnecessary bureaucracy."

Adding bureaucracy might seem like a good idea (as it did with the Deparment of Homeland Security). Yet, when you actually get down to the practical operation of such a huge system, the lines of communication get cut off with so many layers and levels. America experienced this with FEMA after Katrina. It will again when the next terrorist attack occurs. Bureaucracy is a curse, not a blessing.

This quote by James Borden pretty much sums up what the DNI and DHS bring to the table: "Guidelines for Bureaucrats: 1. When in charge, ponder. 2. When in trouble, delegate. 3. When in doubt, mumble." Not too reassering.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.