Thursday, April 26, 2007

Carbon Offsets for sale!

Carbon offsets are basically what the Catholic Church did 500 years ago in selling indulgences to people who wanted to "get out of jail" or H-ll.

Now the Hollywood celebrities have sought to burnish their environmental credentials by purchasing these offsets to compensate for their lavish lifestyles. For example, former vice president Al Gore, among others, claims the purchase of such offsets enables him to live a "carbon neutral" lifestyle, despite his conspicuous energy consumption.

Whats the point of this post you ask? Well, I was thinking of getting into this racket ... grr ... I mean environmentally responsible living so I will be selling carbon offsets to those who need them. Since I will not be flying across Europe and will be moving back to DC (and not driving much) I will have a few to sell.

I haven't come up with a set price yet, but I believe I will allow the market forces to decide that. Anyhow, if you are feeling guilty and want to buy some offsets contact me!

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