Thursday, August 25, 2005

Log Cabin Republicans

As a self profess libertarian I gladly support any organization that is for limited government and personal responsibility. That is why I would like to highlight the Log Cabin Republicans. I truly wish they were in the main stream of the Republican party, but President Bush isn't knocking on my door to take my advice. The Christian Right will turn the Republican party into the party of big government if we don't look out. And where will that get us? Well, we will have two parties that think the federal government can do everything! Then I'll have to move to ... grrr ... Mexico? Ha! Anyhow, here is the goals of the Log Cabin Republicans and I must say they should be made part of the Republican platform:

"We are loyal Republicans. We believe in low taxes, limited government, strong defense, free markets, personal responsibility, and individual liberty. Log Cabin represents an important part of the American family-taxpaying, hard working people who proudly believe in this nation's greatness. We also believe all Americans have the right to liberty, freedom, and equality. Log Cabin stands up against those who preach hatred and intolerance. We stand up for the idea that all Americans deserve to be treated equal-regardless of their sexual orientation."

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