Monday, November 14, 2005

MLB is cheap and D.C. is stupid

Ok, now we know why the Washington Nationals don't have a owner yet. The reason? Well, MLB is balking at paying $6 million dollar rent for the stadium. Not like Washington's hasn't committed half a billion to bringing a baseball team to D.C., now MLB baseball thinks it can get away without paying rent?

The more I read about this mess the better MLB looks. I mean any organization that can make a city its bitch is doing something right. Washington, D.C. has bent over and took it straight up the ass and asked for more of it. Its amazing to watch public officials giving public money to a private bussiness and actually telling taxpayers that it is for a public good. Congrats MLB for finding the biggest idiots in America and milking them for all its worth.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You need to update your blog more Alan!!