Monday, April 17, 2006

What to do with Iran: The Russia, China, and Europe Problem

Russia, China, Europe, et al., want the US hobbled, and so are willing to go along with Iran, as they view the US and Israel as the main target. Russia and China, at least, will exhibit their well known restraint and respect for human rights as soon as Iran turns to bite them.

As to America's problems in the world, it is a demonstration of the truthfulness of Machiavelli's maxim. America in general, and the left specifically, want to be loved. When you are successful and powerful, it is hard to be loved, especially when you are supporting so many others and doing necessary work that they can not, highlighting their inferirority. No one responds well to having their faults demonstrated, and so the US is hated and will always be hated as long as it continues to succeed.

America's position in the world and foreign policy aims would be dramatically better served by a policy that aims to be feared rather than loved. Making it so that there are very, very serious and immediate consequences to baiting the US or opposing it would dramatically reduce the popularity of cheap anti-americanism. Rather than having it win you a German election, it should see serious questions about continued diplomatic relations, reduced or eliminated military co-operation, and a thorough review of all non-commercial interactions.

Important and necessary allies do not and would not stoop to these kinds of cheap tactics. It is almost guaranteed that only enemies, antipathetical neutrals, and vestigial allies for which there is no longer any reason or purpose for alliance would engage in such contact. The best examples of this are in Europe, where the reasons for tight alliances have been removed (Russians on the doorstep/ muscular Germans), and the states slack under the shadow of a remote and benevloent giant.

Rather than simple musings about closing German bases, the Bush administration should have publicly and immediately announced that it would be closing all German bases and repositioning forces. Alliances have a purpose, and should be ruthlessly pruned when their is no longer an immediate need, so that closeness does not make the heart grow colder.

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