Friday, September 02, 2005

Ground Zero Memorial: Part II

You might remember my blog on the Ground Zero Memorial. I linked to a June 8 article in the Wall Street Jounral noting that an "International Freedom Center," would be built and filed with anti-American exhibits and things that have nothing to do with 9/11.

What will be placed in the center? Well, at present many hunman rights groups are contemplating exhibits on Jim Crow, the Holocaust, the genocide of American-Indians, and pictures from the Abu Ghraib scandal. Why these seemly unrelated topics? We have to understand why all these events occurred in order to gain insight into why we were attacked. Seminars will be held at the IFC, presumably explaining how America brought 9/11 on herself.

Think of this -- the International Freedom Center is to be by far the largest tenant at the World Trade Center Memorial Cultural Complex. It will cover approximately 300,000 square feet, amidst a designer part with foliage, waterfalls, and retail shops. And the location of the 9/11 Memorial Center? Well, that will be squirreled away underground, in an area of only 50,000 square feet: one-sixth the size of the Freedom Center. Even more alarming, one will have to pass through the IFC and all its propaganda to get to the 9/11 Memorial.

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