Thursday, October 27, 2005

D.C. a step closer to banning smoking

The D.C. Council health committee has approved a plan to ban smoking in all District bars and restaurants by January 2007.

The full council could vote on the measure as soon as December.

Smoking ban legislation has been stalled in committee for two years, but supporters say a majority of the 13-member council now favors some form of a ban.

The ban would be similar to one in New York City, with exemptions for outdoor areas, cigar bars, hotel rooms, retail tobacco outlets and facilities that research the effects of smoking.

Opponents say a smoking ban would hurt the city's thriving hospitality industry and encourage smokers to patronize Virginia businesses.

The bill also provides for an economic-hardship waiver for businesses that can demonstrate a "significant, negative impact."
I hate smoking but I do not think that government should ban it. People should have the freedom of choice. Freedom to go to a bar or freedom to own a bar that allows smoking. When we let government limit our choice we loose that freedom.

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