Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Reply to Comment

Jaxebad has made the following comment:

"This blog seems to bash liberal people all of the time while not giving equal offense to conservative people. Yet you claim to be a libertarian. Odd."

I really didn't know I had to be "fair and balanced" to be a libertarian? When I see liberals holding up signs that say 9/11 was a fraud I'm going to call them on it (I guess I can't support America and be a libertarian). If our former third-rate mayor Marion Barry is up to his old tricks, I'll attack him for it (again calling a black guy an asshole isn't very libertarian?). And I'll bash Al Frankin for being a washed up has been that has not done anything funny since 1990 (but bashing Frankin is wrong and anti-libertarian I guess).

Do I like all conservatives? No (and if you read my blog you would know that), but I wound rather side with them than liberals. Conservatives (and the Republican party) are not perfect but they start with my own core belief ... which is government does not have all the answers. This is something liberals can never agree with. Although I disagree with most conservatives on capitol punishment, abortion, and religion, there is no separation between us when it comes to the danger of heavy spending and the creation of a large federal government. That is why I will attack stupid liberals and support conservatives with small government views every time.

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