Friday, October 07, 2005

Need help with your woman?

Ok, I am finally doing something for my fellow man. I know most of you guys are like me and aren't as romantic as you should be. You know with football and beer drinking taking up all your time you barely have enough time to say hi to your better half. So, on that note I want the men who read this to go to SAVEMYASS.COM. Maybe the best thing you do for your entire life.

What is it you might ask?

Save My Ass is a personal assistant that helps you make your girlfriend or wife happy by sending her flowers on your behalf, on a regular but semi-random basis.

How does it work? You provide them with your billing info and her delivery address. They will periodically send her flowers every 4-6 weeks, and bill you for each delivery individually (not prepaid) ... then they will notify you before each order, and you can edit them in advance if you'd like. They'll schedule flowers for all the obligatory dates she expects (you'll never miss an important date again!) and you'll score you major points by making deliveries she doesn't expect.

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